Movie prices: 
Newest releases DVD/Blu-Ray $3.50 for 2 days (due by 6pm)
Make Any New Release a 5 Day Rental Add $1 ($4.50 for 5 days)

DVD & Blu-Ray Catalog (Library Films) $2.50 for 7 days
Family & Children’s Movies $1.50 for 7 days

Extra Day Fees- per day no matter the original rental charge.

New Releases $1.50 per day

Older films .25cents per day

Reservation policy:
Reservations can be made up to 3 days in advance on up to 3 items. Reservations will only be taken on products that are currently in release. You may pick up your reserved movies in our drive thru or at the counter. If the product you have reserved is not in yet, we will call you when it is. We release all reserved movies 2 hours prior to closing.

All rentals are due by 6 pm on the due date in order to honor our reserves.

See store for details on extra day fees.

Punch Cards:
Punch Cards: Reward/Loyalty Cards:

We stamp on all rentals. Prepared beverages & ice cream products. We exclude stamps other packaged and retail goods. Value is awarded based on price range of items purchased. 

Stamp color purchase value: 

Green Star Items Up To $3.75 

Black Stamp $4.00 to $5.75 

Red Stamp $6.50 and up

Redemption value based on majority color of stamps on card. Max value limits apply. Cards have no cash value. Majority color group assigns max value. Green tier max value $3.75 or less Black tier max value $5.75 or less

By participating in our program you agree to any limits that may apply at our sole discretion. We strive to run as many promotions and be as generous with our valued customers as possible while still remaining profitabIe.

Thank you for helping us be here for our community for more than 40 years! Here's to many more!